Let’s Talk About it, Oklahoma’s 2018 series "Living with Limits," continues October 23rd with 'Jump and Other Stories (1991)'
Dr. Brandon Katzir, Department of English and Modern Languages, presents 'Jump and Other Stories,' by Nadine Gordimer. A master of this genre, Gordimer says that the short story writer “sees by the light of the flash; theirs is the art of the only thing one can be sure of—the present moment. Ideally, they have learned to do without explanation of what went before, and what happens after this point.” She writes with a moral urgency of the institutionalized corruption that leads to personal betrayal and the terrible cost of racism in South Africa and other colonized countries in the region. One essential point she offers to the world is the terrible cost of Apartheid in her country. The cost engulfs black Africans, the white ruling minority, Africaners, white liberals—all. All are brutalized in a system that dehumanizes and diminishes the possibilities for human freedom. The rich variety of stories provides a myriad of ways to render the cycle’s themes.
This presentation is a part of the Oklahoma Humanities Let's Talk About It Oklahoma "Living with Limits." All are welcome to attend.
All sessions take place on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM in Room 151 of Walker Center, Petree College of Arts & Sciences, at NW 26th & N. Florida