The Bachelor of Arts in Music program is designed to provide students the opportunity to enrich their music studies with a greater number of non-music elective hours and less music-specific hours than their colleagues pursuing Bachelor of Music degrees. As such, the Bachelor of Arts in Music curriculum allows students to explore their academic and professional interests outside of music while pursuing a basic curricular track in musical studies.
The Bass School of Music faculty believes that all students graduating with a music degree from ºÚÁÏÉçÇø must be competent performers. Although Bachelor of Arts in Music students embark on a less extensive term of musical study than their Bachelor of Music peers, this degree incorporates a significant performance component.
The degree plan below shows the courses required for completion of a Bachelor of Arts in Music with Elective Studies in Pre-Medicine. The course sequence is a suggestion only, and each student will meet with his or her advisor to discuss the most appropriate sequence for that student.
All degrees require a minimum of 124 earned credit hours. Students must be enrolled in 12 credit hours to be considered a full-time student. Students must receive credit for six semesters of Music Assembly. Students must attain the required proficiency and performance levels as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog.
*All courses listed on this degree plan are required for the completion of this degree. The course sequence is a suggestion only, and each student will meet with his or her advisor to discuss the most appropriate sequence for that student.
All degrees require a minimum of 124 earned credit hours. Students must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours to be considered a full-time student. Students must receive credit for six semesters of Music Assembly in their first six semesters at ºÚÁÏÉçÇø. Students must attain the required performance levels as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog.
MUS 1112 | Theory I | Ìý |
MUS 1122 | Aural Skills I | 2 |
AM 1371 | Voice or Major Instrument | 1 |
AMA 1571 | Class Piano I | 1 |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
CHEM 1104 & 1141 | General Chemistry I & Lab | 5 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 15 |
MUS 1212 | Theory II | Ìý |
MUS 1222 | Aural Skills II | 2 |
AM 1471 | Voice or Major Instrument | 1 |
AMA 1671 | Class Piano II | 1 |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
CHEM 1204 & 1241 | General Chemistry & Lab | 5 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 15 |
MUS 2112 | Theory III | Ìý |
MUS 2122 | Aural Skills III | 2 |
AM 1371 | Voice or Major Instrument | 1 |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
MUS 1123 | Music and the Human Experience | 3 |
CHEM 3103 & 3141 | Organic Chemistry & Lab | 4 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 16 |
MUS 35XX | Theory Topical Course | Ìý |
MUS 35XX | Theory Topical Course | 2 |
MUS 3133 | Writing About Music | 3 |
AM 1471 | Voice or Major Instrument | 1 |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
CHEM 3203 & 3241 | Organic Chemistry & Lab | 4 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 16 |
MUS 4112 OR 4412 | Form & Analysis (Fall) -or- 18th Cent. Counterpoint (Spring) | Ìý |
AM 1371 | Voice or Major Instrument | 1 |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Hours | 16 |
MUS 4233 | Musicology Seminar | Ìý |
AM 1471 | Voice or Major Instrument | 1 |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
**DICT 1152 | English Diction (Voice Majors Only) | 2 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 16 |
**Instrumentalists will take 2 credit hours of Advisor-Approved Electives
AM 1371 | Voice or Major Instrument | Ìý |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
PHYS 1503 & 1541 | General Physics I & Lab | 4 |
Ìý | Pre-Med Science Electives | 4 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Gen Ed | 3 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 16 |
AM 1471 | Voice or Major Instrument | Ìý |
MUEN | Major Ensemble | 1 |
AM 4441 | Senior Recital | 1 |
PHYS 1603 & 1641 | General Physics II & Lab | 4 |
Ìý | Pre-Med Science Electives | 9 |
Ìý | Total Credits | 16 |
The following courses are required medical school prerequisites:
(courses may vary based on advisement within the science department)
CHEM 1104/1141 General Chemistry I & Lab
CHEM 1204/1241 General Chemistry II & Lab
CHEM 3103/3141 Organic Chemistry I & Lab
CHEM 3203/3241 Organic Chemistry II & Lab
PHYS 1503/1541 General Physics I & Lab
PHYS 1603/1641 General Physics II & Lab
BIOL 1214 Fundamentals of Biology (or approved equivalent)
Select 2:
BIOL 3003 Genetics (Fall) or
BIOL 3114 General Microbiology (Fall) or
BIOL 3514 Cell Biology (Spring, Even) or
BIOL 4214 Molecular Biology (Spring Odd)
BIOL 3714 Biochemistry I (Fall)
BIOL 4403 Biochemistry II (Spring)
BIOL 2852 Medical Vocabulary (Spring)
BIOL 3303 Neurobiology of Behavior (Spring Odd)
PSYC 1113 Intro to Psychology
After beginning coursework at OKCU, students may transfer up to 12 credit hours of general education courses from another institution.
All degrees require a minimum of 124 earned credit hours.
ENGL 1113 Composition I
ENGL 1213 Composition II
POLS 1113 Governance in America
LAS 1063 Liberal Arts Seminar**
HIST 1003/1103 US History to/Since 1876
REL 1003/2513 The Bible & Culture/Intro to World Religions
SCI 1003 & 1041 Methods of Science Inquiry & Integrated Science Lab
**Transfer students with at least 29 transferable hours (excluding CLEP, AP and IB credit) may substitute a single course of three or more credit hours for the LAS requirement. This course may be from the OKCU curriculum or transferred from another university. It may not meet any other degree requirement.
PHIL/REL 2163 Moral Issues In Contemporary Culture
PHIL/REL 2213 Moral And Social Philosophy
MGMT 2223/PHIL 2203 Business Ethics And Leadership
PHIL/PHRH 2513 Ethics Of Communication,
PHIL/REL 2703 Christian Ethics
ENGL 2103 Western Literature
ENGL 2603 World Literature
ENGL 2403/2413/2703 Survey of British Literature
ENGL 2713/2813 Survey of American Literature
MATH 1503 College Algebra
PSYC 2303/POLS 2303/SOC 2303 Statistics For Behavioral Sciences
Econ 2123 Business Statistics
a higher level math course
PSYC 1113 Intro to Psychology
SOC 2013 Intro to Sociology
ECON 2113 Principles of Microeconomics
Six Hours (Through Beginner II Level) in A Single Language;
Four Years (Eight Semesters) of A Single Language in High School;
Equivalent Competency as Determined by the Department of Modern Language;
For international students whose first language is other than English, a TOEFL score of 550 or above (equivalent score on the IBT is 80 or above). Online coursework will not be accepted.
See course schedule each semester for courses approved as service learning courses.
The arts study requirement is satisfied by any course beginning with the prefix MUS. The cross-cultural study requirement is fulfilled by:
REL 2513 Introduction to World Religions
ENGL 2603 World Literature
MUS 1123 Music and the Human Experience.